Customer information:
The Association of innovative and digital education is a Ukrainian non-government organization engaged in implementing its own innovative projects. It develops online platforms focused on education, human capital development, and social elevator creation. Through its work, the Association strives to solve challenges important for society and the country.
Customer goal:
- The goal is to develop a platform where the customer can create education courses and manage them flexibly to let users effortlessly gain the knowledge they need.
- It was also important for the customer to use the new system for their previous products, further projects, and partner companies’ developments.
Our task:
We had to catch up on work and comprehend exactly what the final product should be like. Having worked with their old platform, the customer had a lot more requirements for the new one. Besides standard educational video courses, they wanted to upload training content in some other formats. They planned to add new progress testing methods and diversify user interaction with the content.
Our extensive experience in educational product development allowed us to clearly understand that many other tasks would emerge during the work (spoiler alert: that was what actually happened).
Let us see how both sides, our customer and their users, can use the results of the work done.
01. What our customer sees
Our customer can log in to the administrator panel and control the platform almost limitlessly.
For this purpose, we have developed a lesson builder allowing users to independently “assemble” lessons, using separate blocks. For instance, teachers can start a lesson with image slides, add a video, move on to dialogue and solidify students’ knowledge, offering them to pass a test (which is also easily customizable).
02. What users see
Each student uses their profile to receive training. Students can track all online courses and events they choose to attend. They can also see their progress and certificates received for completed education courses.
To provide this feature, we have:
- elaborated the mechanics of different test types;
- developed the functionality necessary for customizing certificates for a specific course;
- decided to create an entire module awarding students with achievement badges to encourage users. For instance, they can get those badges for a specific number of tests passed, rating points scored, and courses taken. The platform administrator can edit award terms and conditions to motivate students even more;
- implemented the function helping to find a certificate by its number. Now, everyone can visit the website and verify documents for authenticity;
- made the logic of issuing a certificate for some courses more complex: from now on, students can receive it after they have attended offline events.

By the way, having registered for an event, users receive unique QR codes that allow them to attend the events. This approach makes things simpler for both visitors and organizers because a phone and access to the admin panel are all they need now to scan codes and track guests.
Collaborating with our customer, we have built an efficient LMS platform adapted easily to the modern needs of the end-user. It helps people develop their knowledge and prove it with certificates.
Thanks to easy management, our customer avoids going through a lot of effort of monitoring internal events and making changes. Users, in their turn, receive proper training in a simple, comprehensible, and convenient form.
Technology stack:
Back-end: Laravel (PHP, sql, OOP).
Front-end: Vue.js, SCSS, HTML.
Server-side: Linux (ubuntu 20.04), Docker, nginx, Redis, PostgressSQL.
Additional: native JS, axio, Node.js.
LMS (Learning Management System) is a learning management system that allows creating online education courses and managing educational processes for people from any part of the world.
SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is an international standards collection for e-learning courses.
Articulate is a cloud-based e-course management platform that monitors student’s interactions with education course materials and tools.
An internal CRM system is a software product that helps businesses successfully control, streamline, and plan work with customers.
Identity is the brand’s external visual “interface.”