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Alina Dianova



Alina Dianova is a director, producer, director of Yes We Shoot production house. Her portfolio includes clips for stars such as S.K.A.I., Nadezhda Meyerher, Yevhen Tolochny, Druha Rika; Commercial videos for NeftGas, Fozzy group, T. Mosca, Imperial Tobacco, PinchukArtCentre.


Alina creates unique video projects for the most famous people in Ukraine and beyond. Our goal was to create a site that would be organically saturated with the original video content, and best illustrated the services and portfolio of Alina.


We have created a stylish and clean site, most of which occupies a business card of any director – a portfolio. Non-narrative transitions between menu tabs and unobtrusive animations on pages have “animated” the design of the site, adding weightlessness and airiness. We also added the opportunity to actively blog, because Alin is always there to share with the readers.